Police Investigating Break In At Alexander, Fallin Offices
Police investigating burglary of political consultant’s offices neighboring Gov. Mary Fallin’s campaign office
By Nolan Clay
Oklahoma City police are investigating an unusual break-in involving the offices of Chad Alexander, the once-influential political consultant and lobbyist who was arrested in May during a drug stop.
No arrests in the burglary have been made.
The burglar broke into Alexander’s unmarked office, his secretary’s office and another office identified in a police report as Gov. Mary Fallin’s campaign headquarters. The break-in was in the early morning hours of June 15, a Sunday.
The burglar also went into the law offices of attorney Glenn Coffee and an associate, police reported. “Papers were out of place in both offices,” police said.
Coffee is a former Senate president pro tem who currently “represents several state officials on legal matters,” police reported.
A break-in at a political office on June 15? Blast from the past….and I thought we didn’t have Nixon to kick around anymore.