Brogdon Seeks To ‘Unify’ The GOP
Sent by the Brogdon campaign this morning.
Dear Friend,
As I promised last week, I announced my campaign for U.S. Senate on Monday. When I did, I made it clear that I’m the only candidate who is truly serious about tackling the problems our country is facing. That’s because I confronted betrayals by Republicans who are part of the problem – – including one in particular whom I urged to step down.
If you’ve read the media reports, you know that I called for the immediate resignation of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) when I announced my campaign. That’s because Mitch McConnell is part of the problem, and I’m the only Oklahoma candidate for Senate promising to oppose him.
You see, while Republican principles call for limiting the scope of government and reducing the federal debt, Mitch McConnell has been complicit in funding Obamacare and giving “blank checks” to Obama for his unconstitutional spending spree. McConnell and other establishment politicians refer to those “blank checks” as “debt ceiling increases.” When Republicans support those increases, I call them “betrayals.”
Sometime soon, some “moderates” will begin slamming me for violating the so-called “Eleventh Commandment,” which is said to be, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” That’ll be interesting, actually, since they’ll be doing the very same thing to me. But, I digress. 🙂
I’m much more concerned about keeping the first Ten Commandments. For example, the Eighth and Tenth Commandments both teach us to respect people’s property, while debt ceiling increases continually pick the pockets of taxpayers. Likewise, the Ninth Commandment requires us to tell the truth – – like the inconvenient truth about wayward Republicans like Mitch McConnell. In this case, it’s long overdue.
Make no mistake – – We must unite Republicans like never before to win elections so we can correct the destructive trends in Washington. But keeping the peace by compromising our values is a losing strategy because it demoralizes those who give, work and vote to put Republicans in office.
The fact is, real change will only come when Republicans band together to fight for the ideals found in our platform. When Republican leaders betray Republican ideals, they destroy the unity needed to win popular elections.
Scores of Republican donors, foot-soldiers and voters have lost their will to fight because of betrayals by so-called “leaders” like Mitch McConnell.
Go-along-to-get-along Republicans lack the courage to stand for Republican ideals. So, even though we’ve won some important elections, Republicans like McConnell help presidents like Obama grow the scope of government and plunge our country deeper into debt. That’s why I’m promising to work toward removing Mitch McConnell as the Republican Leader in the Senate – – so we can unite around our shared values once again.
The quickest path to Republican unity is having leaders who will oppose Obama. That’s why we need new Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate. And that’s why I’m running.
It’s time for Republicans to rally together to restore freedom and prosperity in our land. But we’ve got to remove so-called leaders who are more concerned about “keeping peace” with Democrats than they are with saving our country from destruction.
With your help, I will work to unify the Republican Party by backing real Republican leaders like Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. Together, we’ll get our country back on track. When we do, you’ll know you made the difference for future generations.
Thanks once again for your support!
Yours for Liberty,
Randy Brogdon
P.S. The quickest path to Republican unity is having leaders who will oppose Obama. That’s why we need new Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate. And that’s why I’m running. Please click here to make a generous contribution demonstrating your support.