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School Shelter Plan Likely On November Ballot

Oklahoma House calls for vote on school storm shelter solution

By Randy Ellis

Oklahomans could get to vote next November on whether to allow local school districts to exceed their bonding capacity to pay for storm shelters and other school safety improvements under a resolution passed Thursday by the state House of Representatives.

The proposal, endorsed by Gov. Mary Fallin, passed the House 65-28 and will now go to the state Senate.

Passions were high and House debate was heated Thursday concerning how the state can best facilitate the construction of school storm shelters. Seven students at Moore’s Plaza Towers Elementary School were among 50 people killed in last spring’s tornadoes and floods that devastated Oklahoma.

“This is an evil piece of legislation and you should be ashamed,” said state Rep. Rebecca Hamilton, D-Oklahoma City.

Read the complete story on NewsOK.com

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