CampaignsUS Senate

OK Tea Party Leaders Denounce Shannon Endorsements

OK Tea Party leaders announce opposition to T.W. Shannon

From Jamison Faught,…

Some Oklahoma Tea Party leaders and conservative and activists are expressing their rejection of T.W. Shannon’s U.S. Senate campaign, following recent endorsements of Shannon by Sarah Palin and Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.

Oklahoma Tea Parties and Grassroots Conservatives Do Not Support T.W. Shannon

The following is an open letter to outside individuals & organizations endorsing T.W. Shannon for US Senate:

As conservative grassroots leaders and activists from across the state of Oklahoma we are dismayed that you have endorsed T.W. Shannon for U.S. Senate without having fully researched and vetted the candidate. Each of the top three contenders to replace Senator Tom Coburn has a voting record that is easy to research.

Boots on the ground, grassroots leaders and activists were never consulted regarding who the true conservative candidate was before endorsements were made. Claiming the conservative mantle and deeming yourself as the “grassroots candidate” without the authentic conservative record and actions to support it, instead, makes you a poser.

According to the Oklahoma Constitution Newspaper’s Conservative Index T.W. Shannon has a lifetime (7 years) average score of 74%. In a Tulsa World article dated Sunday, April 6, 2014, during the 2014 legislative session Shannon has missed 305 out of 385 votes and that was only two months into a four month legislative session. The website shows that Shannon has debated less than 16 minutes during his time in the legislature prior to becoming Speaker of the House.

Before announcing his candidacy to replace Senator Tom Coburn, T.W. Shannon had never stepped foot inside a Tea Party, Liberty, 9/12 Project meeting, rally or event; once he made his announcement he began showing up at meetings with little or no notice. After receiving the endorsements of Governor Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Senate Conservatives Fund, U.S. Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, Shannon no longer attends grassroots meetings nor does he seek the grassroots support – he doesn’t need us. Your endorsements have given him the appearance of a grassroots, conservative, liberty loving candidate. While we hold his feet to the fire, you embrace him.

Your endorsement will not make T.W. Shannon become conservative, he has too many masters to serve, the Indian tribes, Tom Cole, big business and the Chamber of Commerce -once in office, he will dance with the one that brought him to the dance and it won’t be Ted Cruz, Mike Lee or Sarah Palin. Shannon is being very well handled – he is whatever you want him to be at the time. His association with Tom Cole should bring cause for concern considering Cole’s 49% rating on the Heritage Action Scorecard, who is also closely aligned with the state chamber of commerce and the Indian tribes.

Out of concern that your endorsement of T.W. Shannon for U.S. Senate might be misconstrued that Oklahoma grassroots leaders and activists are endorsing him as well, we feel we owe it to our members and fellow conservative citizens to set the record straight that we do not endorse or support T.W. Shannon for U.S. Senate. We stand with candidates that have a proven track record of conservatism, boldness to stand up for what’s right even when they are the only man/woman standing and will fight to protect our liberty with their last breath if necessary. Oklahoma grassroots gave you Congressman Jim Bridenstine, we are selective in who we support. We support candidates that we feel will best represent our principles and values, not the lesser of two evils, or who has the best chance to defeat James Lankford.

Thank you for all you do for the conservative cause, your hard work is appreciated. While the endorsements that T.W. Shannon has received will make our job a little more difficult, uphill battles do not intimidate us, they make us more determined to expose the truth.

Always for Liberty!

Oklahoma Grassroots Leaders and Activists

Ronda Vuillemont-Smith Tulsa 9.12 Project
Sandra Crosnoe R3publicans
John and Cyndi McArtor Get America Back
Matthew Vermillion OKforTEA
Martha Vermillion OKforTEA
Harold Vermillion OKforTEA
Peggy Burgess Tulsa 9.12 Project
Bruce DeLay Patriot Pastor, Heartland Church
Marlene Lynch Logan County GOP
Howard Houchen Choctaw County Tea Party
Joy Collins Bartians for Academic Freedom
Dulcie Hannigan OKforTEA
Tom Counts OKforTEA
Jenni White Restore OK Public Education
Lynn Habluetzel Restore OK Public Education
Molly Wehrenberg High Noon Club
Paul Wehrenberg OKC Tea Party
Robert Seamands GEL (Govern Edmond Locally)
Jay Calan Ottawa County Republicans
Bonnie Latshaw Tulsa 9.12 Project
Lonnie Lu Anderson Southeastern OK Tea Party
Kaye Beach AxXiom for Liberty
G Rae and Craig Phillips Tulsa 9.12 Project
Sharon Annesley Oklahoma Liberty Tea Party
Mark Keeling Grady County Tea Party
Karen Yates OKC 9.12 Project
Paul Sublett OKC Tea Party
Ric Moore Logan County GOP
Elaine Leone Tulsa 9.12 Project
Amanda Miller DOR (Day of Resistance)
Naomi Koehn Tulsa 9.12 Project
Elaine Nickelson Delaware County GOP

“I cannot speak for all the pastors that are affiliated with Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ regarding an endorsement of any one particular candidate in the US Senate Race. However, I object that no one from Palin, Lee or Cruz’s offices ever consulted the grassroots organizations that live and work in Oklahoma before making this endorsement. Understanding the principles for which Mike Lee and Ted Cruz stand, they should be very cautious of anyone who has such close ties with Representative Tom Cole who received a grade of 49% in this year’s Heritage Action Scorecard.” Pastor Paul Blair, (for identity purposes only: Founder, Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ)

**Organizations listed for information only

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2 thoughts on “OK Tea Party Leaders Denounce Shannon Endorsements

  • Robert Adams

    I attended my first candidate rally last night. Not first this year. First in my life.! I was impressed with the large number of supporters. Sorry the Oklahoma tea party leadership seems to be unable to control the enthusiasim for Shannon (who is apparently not their first choice). I hope the local tea party can get used to the fact that the unhappy citizens are the power, not the leadership.

  • I detect a bit of sour grapes and maybe a touch of not wanting the non-white candidate to win. TW Shannon is an excellent man and conservative without question. He has proven it in service to this state. Lankford on the other hand is not someone I would vote for as he rides solely on the Obamacare debacle. While I understand Ibamacare needs to be repealed there are other issues that also need to be addressed. As a conservative Tea Party recent transplant from Texas, Mr. Shannon was on my radar before moving to Oklahoma and it is with great pride and faith in his beliefs that I will gladly support TW Shannon and get out and persuade others to do the same. The man is a class act.


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