
WSJ: “Oil Barron” Kaiser: Raise My Taxes

Oklahoma Oil Baron Pleads: Raise My Taxes
By Daniel Gilbert,  The Wall Street Journal

Oklahoma oil man George Kaiser is breaking with fellow energy executives in asking the state to raise taxes on oil companies, including his own.

“Oklahoma is in desperate financial circumstances,” says the billionaire philanthropist, who controls closely held Kaiser-Francis Oil Co.

A higher tax on oil-and-gas production could help the state pay for education and much needed infrastructure improvements, he says in a prepared statement. Raising the production tax “doesn’t move the needle in the decision to drill.”

Many of Mr. Kaiser’s competitors beg to differ.

“He is a social philanthropist and is very interested in growing the size of government,” says Fred Morgan, chief executive of the State Chamber of Oklahoma.

Several energy companies and the business group say that lower tax rates for the costliest oil and gas wells are necessary to continue drilling at a pace that has stimulated economic activity and created other sources of revenue.

The chamber backs a proposal by Continental Resources Inc., Devon Energy Corp. and Chesapeake Energy Corp. that would replace an expiring low tax rate with a slightly higher one.

Energy companies in Oklahoma currently pay a 7% tax on oil and gas revenue. But to encourage drilling with more costly shale wells, which burrow down and then turn horizontally, the tax rate is 1% for the first four years.

Continental, Devon and Chesapeake propose a permanent 2% tax rate for the first four years of oil and gas production from all new wells, whether vertical or horizontal. Most new wells are horizontal.

Mr. Kaiser proposes that the rate for new wells rise to 7% but says a reasonable compromise would be 3.5% for the first two years of a well’s life.

It is an unusual stance for an energy mogul who rarely makes public statements. But Mr. Kaiser, a Democrat, often deviates from oil-patch orthodoxy in the heavily Republican state.

While most energy companies tend to support conservative politicians, about 80% of Mr. Kaiser’s $143,900 in national political contributions since 2010 have gone to Democratic candidates or committees, according to the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics. A spokesman says he mostly donates to Republicans on a state level.

Mr. Kaiser is the majority shareholder of Oklahoma’s largest bank, BOK Financial Corp. and his oil-and-gas company ranks among the 25 biggest private energy companies in the U.S. by production, according to data from research firm IHS published by Oil & Gas Financial Journal. And last month, Mr. Kaiser became part owner of the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team.

He began speaking out on the Oklahoma tax this month after learning of his larger rivals’ proposal. Legislation is expected to be introduced this week to replace the current tax, which expires next year.

Mr. Kaiser says added revenue could help restore funding to education, a focus of the George Kaiser Family Foundation, which he endows. A study last year by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that Oklahoma had cut education spending by 23% since 2008, more than any other state.

Removing the discount for more expensive wells “will definitely mean fewer wells drilled in the state,” says Blu Hulsey, Continental’s vice president of government and regulatory affairs. Devon and Chesapeake decline to comment.

As U.S. oil and gas production has boomed in recent years with advances in hydraulic fracturing, states hungry for revenue have grappled with how much to tax companies without chasing them away.

North Dakota—now the country’s second-largest oil-producer, after Texas—taxes 11.5% of the value of crude pumped from its fields.

Pennsylvania, home to the gas-rich Marcellus Shale, is at the other end of the spectrum. Rather than tax production, the state in 2012 imposed fees on wells.

A state agency calculated that the fee works out to an effective 1.6% tax rate for natural gas, lower than the 10 other states it examined.

SandRidge Energy Inc. may have the most at stake regarding Oklahoma’s tax. The company drills more horizontal wells in Oklahoma than any other. SandRidge reported that it paid $32.3 million in companywide production taxes last year, or 1.6% of its revenue.

By contrast, Oasis Petroleum Inc., which is heavily invested in North Dakota, reported 74% less revenue than SandRidge but paid triple the production tax. SandRidge declined to comment.

Some Oklahoma officials, including Finance Secretary Preston Doerflinger, have questioned the continued need for a lower tax rate to provide incentives for shale drilling.

But Gov. Mary Fallin is inclined to support the industry’s proposal for the 2% tax rate, a spokesman says.

Horizontal shale wells accounted for 70% of all drilling in the state last year, according to the Oklahoma Corp. Commission. Revenue from the production tax fell to $513.6 million last year, the lowest level in at least a decade, state figures show.

Without the lower tax rate for horizontal wells, the state’s haul would have been $166.4 million higher, according to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

“I am one of the most significantly affected by higher Oklahoma energy taxes,” Mr. Kaiser says.

Kaiser-Francis Oil generally participates in wells drilled by other companies, but Mr. Kaiser says it still spends “tens of millions of dollars a year” on horizontal wells.

You can read more of the article on WSJ.

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