Shannon Picks Up Gun Rights Activist Endorsement
Contact: Kenneth Bricker
T.W. Shannon Endorsed By Prominent Gun Rights Activist
LAWTON, OK (May 27, 2014) — Don Spencer, Vice-President and Legislative Director of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK2A)*, has endorsed T.W. Shannon for U.S. Senate.
“As a representative in the state House and then as House Speaker, T.W. Shannon has been a tireless advocate for gun ownership rights in Oklahoma,” Spencer said. “I know T.W. personally. He’s a man of principle and I know he can be counted on to fight for the rights of gun owners. When it comes to Second Amendment issues, T.W. has demonstrated on many occasions that he is willing to stand up and make the tough decisions. That’s the kind of leadership we need in Washington and I’m proud to endorse T.W. for U.S. Senate.”
Responding to Spencer’s endorsement, Shannon said, “I am proud to receive the endorsement of a leader like Don Spencer. Don has been a warrior on Second Amendment issues and he knows that I have always been an advocate for the Second Amendment in the Oklahoma state House.”
“As House Speaker,” Shannon said, “our chamber passed more legislation than ever before to protect the rights of gun owners. I believe gun ownership is a fundamental right and I am strongly opposed to placing regulations on U.S. gun manufacturers. As a U.S. Senator, I will continue to protect the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and all gun owners. Make no mistake; the liberals in Washington will do everything in their power to chip away at our gun rights. We have to stand together to stop them.”
(*Title and name of organization used for identification only)