CampaignsUS Senate

Outside Groups Top $1M Mark in #OK2014 Spending

Two more outside groups report aiding T.W. Shannon effort
by Chris Casteel

Reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday show a political action committee called Now or Never spent $100,000 on television advertising , evenly split for Shannon, of Lawton, and against U.S. Rep. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma City.

The group also recently invested in a Texas congressional campaign that knocked off 91-year-old Republican incumbent Ralph Hall in a run-off primary.

Now or Never has not reported contributions since 2012, when it received $2.1 million from a group called New Models, $2.5 million from Americans for Limited Government and $1.7 million from the American Conservative Union; donations from individuals, including August Busch III, were also reported by the group.

A group called Black America’s Political Action Committee on Monday reported spending $1,400 on billboard advertising for Shannon.

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