Coburn: Lankford Among ‘Most Honest, Thoughtful, Sincere Men In Washington’
For Immediate Release: June 12, 2014
Contact: Jerry Morris
MEDIA ADVISORY: Dr. Coburn Comments on U.S. Senate Special Election in Oklahoma
(Washington, DC) — U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) made the following statement today regarding the U.S. Senate special election in Oklahoma:
“As I prepare to leave public office at the end of the current Congress and return to private life, I have the great luxury of being a spectator during this election season by not seeking office or preparing to serve in the new Congress beginning next year. It is something I have looked forward to for a long time. The truth is, I don’t much care for political campaigns. They are dominated by career politicians and their operatives who have created a perverse but lucrative professional political industry.
“As I watch the special election for the U.S. Senate unfold in our state, I see this political economy in its very worst form with misleading advertisements and allegations against candidates.
“I have come to know James Lankford in his short but very productive time in Washington, and I know he is a man of absolute integrity. We haven’t always agreed but he is one of the most honest, thoughtful and sincere men I have met in my time in Washington. He has life experience and a perspective outside the career political bubble by which to make good decisions. He has fought an often lonely battle against the status quo and has dedicated himself to the hard work of oversight of federal agencies.
“The current political advertisements by groups such as Senate Conservatives Fund and Oklahomans for a Conservative Future supporting T.W. Shannon have crossed an important line- they simply aren’t truthful and they mischaracterize James Lankford’s service in Congress.
“Trust is absolutely paramount in our republic. The great tension in our country today, for Republicans and Democrats, is that voters no longer trust their elected officials to do the right thing. That bond of trust is born during elections, and it is a powerful responsibility.
“As a voter, I believe the conduct of a campaign is a critical test of how a man or woman values this great trust. How someone runs a campaign says a lot about how that person would govern.”
That is the closest to a flat out endorsement that one can imagine. Undoubtedly Senator Coburn wants to avoid political animosity and avoid entering the endorsement fray, but let’s face it…..He endorsed Congressman Lankford.
The Senator also said President Obama and Nancy Pelosi are nice people. James Langford is also a nice man. No one is questioning that. Senator Coburn also said
he did not agree with some of Lankford’s votes. I believe that is what the ad is saying. Bad votes by James Lankford. In the same ad, TW is made to look like everything he did was great. The ad is correct on describing Langford and incorrect describing TW. I don’t believe we want either man going to DC to represent us. Randy Brogdon is the most conservative candidate around but the media doesn’t want you to know about him. So now we have to decide if we want more of the same or something new. I’m for new!
Shame on T W SHANNON