
This Week: Common Core Faces Biggest Test Before OK Supreme Court

Common Core repeal faces test at Okla. Supreme Ct.
By TIM TALLEY, Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A lawsuit that challenges the Legislature’s repeal of Common Core education standards for English and math is being scrutinized by Oklahoma’s highest court just one month before public school students are scheduled to return to the classroom.

Parents, teachers and four members of the seven-member Oklahoma Board of Education accuse lawmakers of violating the board’s constitutional authority over the “supervision of instruction in the public schools” when they repealed Common Core standards scheduled to go into effect in the upcoming school year. Some fear Oklahoma students will fall behind because of the change.

Conservative groups maintained that the standards represent federal intrusion into Oklahoma’s public education system, and Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill into law last month.

But the Oklahoma Supreme Court may have the last word in whether the state will retain the Common Core standards, known formally as Oklahoma Academic Standards, or OAS, or return to standards known as Priority Academic Student Skills, or PASS. Justices will hear oral arguments Tuesday.

Read the complete story from the AP.

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