Why Does The Corporation Commission Reduce Their Workload During Campaign Season?
Commissioner running on our time less work
By David Arnett, TulsaToday.com
Why would the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) with limited notice and no definitive study reduce their meeting schedule from five days a week to two?
A recording of the OCC’s February 18, 2014 meeting suggests the change directly linked to Commissioner Patrice Douglas’ effort to win a seat in Congress from the Fifth District of Oklahoma. Thus the question for all Oklahomans: Are we paying this corporation commissioner to run for Congress?
The OCC faces one of the most intense work loads of any group of elected public officials in the state. The three commissioners address regulatory and judicial matters including permitting critical to the economic health of the state and fundamental to individual businesses engaged in oil and gas production, transportation and others.
Commissioners Patrice Douglas, Bob Anthony and Dana Murphy all spoke to Tulsa Today for this story, but they are as far from agreement today as when the change was made.