
While Very Unlikely, A Gubernatorial Upset Is Not Impossible

Oklahoma has history of upsets in governor’s race
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer

Former Gov. Brad Henry knows what it’s like to be told he has no chance.

That was more or less the opinion of his candidacy in 2002. That year, Henry came from 16 percentage points back in the primary to win a runoff, then defeated heavily favored Republican Steve Largent by 7,000 votes in the general election.

Henry’s was the second smallest margin of victory percentage-wise, and third smallest in raw vote, in state history.

If anything, skepticism is even greater that Democrat Joe Dorman can beat Republican Gov. Mary Fallin on Nov. 4. Oklahoma’s political landscape has changed in 12 years, and the current environment is not as analogous to 2002 as some like to think.

Still, a reputable albeit partisan research firm, Clarity Campaign Lab, said Dorman is nipping at Fallin’s heels, trailing by only 2 points in poll taken late last month. It is in line with a Rasmussen Poll taken in early summer — but not with a later SoonerPoll survey that gave Fallin a much bigger lead.

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