Oklahoman: Voter Registration Changes Deserve Consideration
Online voter registration proposal for Oklahoma merits consideration
by The Oklahoman
THE Nov. 4 election results mean the Legislature will be even more dominated by Republicans in 2015 than it has been the past two years. The new Senate minority leader, Sen. Randy Bass, D-Lawton, will have a caucus of eight members — down from 12 previously.
This ever-shrinking minority means ever-shrinking clout for Democrats, although Bass appears unfazed. A proposal of his last week provides an example.
Bass said he plans to introduce a bill next session that would allow for online voter registration, a move he hopes will translate into more people in Oklahoma going to the polls. The state generally has low voter turnout. That was especially true this month when just 41 percent of eligible voters cast ballots. The state Election Board said Nov. 4 saw the lowest number of votes cast in a gubernatorial year since 1978.
“We’re just trying to get in line with other states and get more people out to vote,” Bass said at a hearing conducted by the Senate Rules Committee.