Fallin’s Focus On Public Health Couldn’t Come At A Better Time
Gov. Mary Fallin says Oklahoma cannot continue to be worst in the nation in health
by Jaclyn Cosgrove
In her inauguration address, Gov. Mary Fallin said there are three areas that Oklahoma must resolve to make a priority: educational attainment, over-incarceration and health.
Oklahoma’s health has long been failing.
For the past several years, Oklahoma has ranked among the worst in the nation forhigh rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and a long list of other health issues.
As Fallin pointed out in her speech:
“We are too good of a people to allow ourselves to continue to be the worst state in the nation for prescription drug abuse, or for one-in-10 Oklahomans to have diabetes, or for the state to be ranked seventh-worst in the nation for obesity and sixth-worst in smoking rates,” Fallin said Monday afternoon.
Fallin also noted that: “We must work together collectively and individually to improve the health of the state and our citizens. We may not all agree on how to create better access to care, lower medical costs, and provide greater choices for individuals and businesses shopping for insurance plans…”