
Ed Board Meeting Abruptly Ends In Argument Over Legislative Action

Conflict between board of education members, Superintendent Joy Hofmeister erupts during meeting
By ANDREA EGER World Staff Writer 

OKLAHOMA CITY — A behind-the-scenes tug of war between the state board of education and State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister boiled over at a public meeting Thursday.

At issue is the board members’ ability to add items for consideration to the board meeting agendas. Members say they need that ability in order to hire their own secretary and to consider a resolution of support for a pending piece of legislation that one board member requested but Hofmeister has publicly opposed.

At the conclusion of three hours dominated by the board’s consideration of routine rule-setting, Hofmeister adjourned the meeting with the bang of a gavel and was met with angry objections by three board members.

Bill Price, a board member from Oklahoma City, said he had wanted the board to consider a recommendation of his under “new business.”

Lee Baxter, of Lawton, stood up and questioned Hofmeister’s adjournment of the meeting and stormed out of the room as Amy Ford, of Durant, said she wanted to consider Price’s recommendation.

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