Brogdon Pushing For Abortion Ban In State
State GOP chairman Randy Brogdon wants state to challenge Roe v. Wade
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer
A fundraising email sent by State Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon Thursday night calls on the Legislature and Gov. Mary Fallin to outlaw abortion in Oklahoma, a move that would trigger a challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
“Now is the time to stand up for the principles of our Party and our Country by taking action to protect these children,” Brogdon writes.
“If there was ever a need for a special legislative session this is it!” the message continues. “It is time for Republicans to stand for the principles we claim to have and stop the killing of the unborn. The majorities of Oklahomans will support this bold action, but it will take someone to lead the fight.
“God forgive us.”
The email is headed “Defund Planned Parenthood and End Abortion in Oklahoma Now!” — an apparent reference to the efforts of anti-abortion rights forces to stop federal payments to the nonprofit organization.