Lankford: Obama’s Obstinance On Oil Export Ban Is ‘Ridiculous’
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 15, 2015
Senator Lankford Statement on White House Defense of Crude Oil Export Ban
WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released the following statement in response to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest’s comments during the daily press briefing that the White House opposes a bill moving through Congress that would end the outdated ban on crude oil exports:
“It is ridiculous that President Obama fights so hard to help Iran export their oil through the Nuclear Agreement, but opposes American energy exports. How can the President argue that it is good for Iran to export oil, but it is bad for America? When America fails to lead the world in energy, other nations, like Russia, step into world dominance.
“The potential for responsible and safe crude oil exports is tremendous, and it is long past time to remove this antiquated barrier for domestic energy production. America can produce enough resources to be a net exporter – we must lift the export ban.”
In May, Senator James Lankford co-sponsored the Energy Supply and Distribution Act of 2015, bipartisan legislation that would modernize federal energy policy by ending the ban on crude oil exports. The House Energy and Commerce Committee will voteon the oil exports bill Thursday, after a subcommittee of that panel approved it last week.