Hickman: Budget Deal Reached Without Tax Increases, OHCA Cuts
Oklahoma House leaders say much of budget hole is plugged without tax increase
by Rick Green
Legislative leaders say most of the record $1.3 billion hole in the new fiscal year budget will be closed without the need for tax increases.
State Rep. Earl Sears said the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1 still will lack about $300 million in revenue that was available this year. That number is fluid and could go higher as negotiations continue.
Many agencies may see cuts from 5 percent to 7 percent, but Sears said budget writers should be able to protect public education and health care services.
“We want to keep funding for core government services as flat as possible,” he said.
There had been concerns that without sufficient revenue, major spending cuts could be required that would threaten the Medicaid system and disrupt public education.