
Kevin Hern Announces Run For Congress


Kevin Hern Announces Run for Oklahoma’s 1st Congressional Seat

Tulsa, OK – Tulsa business owner Kevin Hern announced today that he is running in the 2018 1st Congressional District election.

“For far too long, special interests have controlled Washington, D.C. with bad policy instead of putting the American people first. As a life-long business owner, I know first-hand that the federal government is destroying job creation, small business start-ups, and economic freedom. In order to solve the problems, we need a business-minded and principled person who has the proven ability and know how to take the power back from the federal government and return it to the people.”

“My life has been a prime example of how anyone can achieve the American dream. I grew up very poor; there was no indoor plumbing until I was in my teens. In addition to food stamps, I supported my family through hauling hay and construction jobs. McDonald’s offered me the opportunity. Through hard-work and determination, I went from making Egg McMuffins to owning and operating eighteen McDonald’s in Eastern Oklahoma and employing thousands of people. I have served in various regional, divisional, and national leadership positions within McDonald’s.”

“For the first time in recorded history, America has more small businesses failing than are being started, the highest unemployment numbers since 1978, a national debt crisis, and the worse financial recovery in 65 years. The biggest obstacle to economic advancement is the Federal Government.”

“I am the right person with the right experience at the right time to help jump-start economic recovery for our state and the nation.
While in Congress, I will focus on securing our border, repealing job-killing regulations and tax policies, and returning control back into the hand of the people, like their healthcare, for example, by repealing Obamacare.”

“The American Dream only works if there is a climate for economic opportunity so that Americans willing to work hard can succeed. It is a new day in America, and I am excited to be part of getting Oklahomans working again, starting small businesses, and being a state that leads the nation in productivity and success.”

As the owner of KTAK Corporation, Mr. Hern identifies companies that need strategic growth leadership and provide avenues for capital participation. Mr. Hern currently owns and operates 10 McDonald’s restaurants that employ over 450 people in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. Mr. Hern has worked in the McDonald’s system since 1987 and became a franchisee in 1997. For the past 5 years, Kevin Hern has served as the Chairman of the Systems Economic Team for over 3,000 U.S. franchisees.

For press inquiries, contact Megan Winburn by email press at hernforcongress.com

For more information please go to www.hernforcongress.com or watch the video on YouTube.



2 thoughts on “Kevin Hern Announces Run For Congress

  • Paul Schiefelbein

    Just wondering, how many of his employees are on food stamps ?

  • Correction the highest unemployment rate in the country was 10.80% in 1982. The lowest unemployment rate was 2.50% in 1953. In December 2017 the unemployment rate was 4.1%. It is now 3.9% the lowest it has been since December of 2000.


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