Cornett Campaign: Reached 1,000 Donors, 77 County Chairmen
For Immediate Release: November 13, 2017
Cornett Announces Campaign Has 1,000 donors, 77 County Chairmen
OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma City Mayor and candidate for Governor Mick Cornett announced Monday his campaign for Governor has amassed more than 1,000 generous donors, and has received support from all 77 counties with a volunteer county chairman in each county.
“We have a vision for this state, and everywhere I go, people are excited,” said Cornett. “Seeing the number of people donate and volunteer to help our campaign from a diverse geographic area is humbling. The grassroots are so important to our campaign, and working side by side with these activists who will help us fix the mess has been exhilarating.”
County chairmen for the campaign will assist in building coalitions, recruiting volunteers and serve as a liaison for their communities and the campaign.
Rusty Appleton, Oklahoma County Chairman said:
“Leadership is more than having the right ideas. I support Mick Cornett for Governor because he turns his vision into action. As a citizen of Oklahoma City, all I have to do is look around my community to see the positive results of Mick’s leadership. Mick Cornett is the right man to bring innovative solutions to the problems we face. But, more importantly, he is the only candidate for governor who I believe can build consensus for those solutions.”
Jason Turner, Tulsa County Chairman said:
“I’ve seen Mick’s leadership and vision reshape Oklahoma City to something that the entire state can be proud of. I believe he is the right man to put our state on a better, more successful path, and I am anxious to help Mick share his vision.”
Ray Feightner, Garfield County Chairman said:
“I have watched the bickering of politicians at the Capitol for years and thought they just operated that way. This year, we all see the damage it is doing to our state. We need a leader, who has demonstrated experience solving big issues and who isn’t a part of the current broken system to fight for us. So, I support Mick.”
Cassandra Ersland, Grady County Chairman said:
“As someone who lives outside Oklahoma City, but close enough to visit frequently, I have seen the city thrive under Mick’s leadership. I know that he is an excellent communicator and problem-solver, which is something we need right now. I am eager to help him become Governor and lead our state.”
Larry Murphy, Kay County Chairman said:
“In his visits to Kay County, Mick has demonstrated an understanding of how to improve the lives of all Oklahomans, not just the people of Ponca City and Kay County. His belief in empowering communities to find the best, local solutions for their citizens is the reason he will have our support.”
Kirk Pittman, Dewey County Chairman said:
“When Mick asked me to be the Dewey County Chairman, I jumped at the opportunity. I already consider myself to be an advocate for his campaign, and I look forward to sharing his vision with my community in a larger capacity. Mick is the right man to be our next Governor.”
Paul & Jeana Kimball, Wagoner County Chairman said:
“Mick is a leader, plain and simple. In his city, he has gotten results, and we need his leadership at the State Capitol. We’re stepping up to represent Mick in our community because we believe he has a plan that is best for the next generation and our future.”
For more information about Mick Cornett or his campaign for Governor of Oklahoma, please visit To become a volunteer, you can visit the website or reach out to the campaign directly via email or phone: or 405-418-6403.