Inhofe: ‘Charming’ Obama Still ‘Destroying This Country’
Inhofe: Obama destroying country, ‘but yes, he’s charming’
By Justin Sink – 03/15/13
Count Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) among those unconvinced by President Obama’s outreach efforts to congressional Republicans.
The Oklahoma lawmaker lashed out at his Republican colleagues for applauding Obama’s recent charm offensive, telling radio host Laura Ingraham on Thursday that the GOP should remain skeptical even as the president is reaching out.
“This is the same guy that is … over-regulating all of our businesses, he has a war on fossil fuels, he is keeping us from being energy independent, he is defunding the military,” Inhofe said.
“So he’s destroying this country, but yes he’s charming,” Inhofe said.