
OK Becoming National Model for Rejecting ObamaCare

Oklahoma a model for ‘Obamacare’ opponents for challenging health-care overhaul

BY WAYNE GREENE World Senior Writer
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Three years after President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, it remains controversial – with one side urging states to follow Oklahoma’s example in fighting the law and the other arguing that the state will deprive thousands of people of health coverage if it doesn’t embrace the opportunity.

Obama signed the law March 23, 2010.

Elements of it – including greater insurance access for people with pre-existing conditions and elimination of lifetime limits on essential benefits – have taken effect, but the heart of “Obamacare” doesn’t take effect until Jan. 1.

That is the effective day for requirements that almost all American citizens have qualifying coverage and that large employers provide insurance to their workers or face stiff tax penalties.

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