
‘Mullin Messenger’ Keeping Up With Constituent Updates

News from Representative Markwayne Mullin

May 3, 2013

Dear Friend,

Meeting with Business Leaders in Pryor

On Tuesday, I toured the Mid-America Industrial Park and the Buzzi Unicem cement plant in Pryor. It was encouraging to see industries like this persevering while many companies across the nation are being forced to close their doors. I was able to visit with the owners and employees of the businesses in the Industrial Park and the plant manager at Buzzi Unicem about the issues and government regulations they are facing. Health care and environmental regulations topped their lists. The federal government should be creating an environment for businesses to grow and expand instead of threatening them with more taxation and burdensome regulations.

Caption: Congreessman Mullin speaks with Buzzi Unicem Plant Manger David Puzan and one of Peggy McGehee, congressional field representatives.

Touring the Thunderbird Youth Academy

On Tuesday I was able to tour the Thunderbird Youth Academy in Pryor joining former State Senator Jeb Wright, President of the Thunderbird Youth Academy Foundation; Dr. Clarence Oliver; and Mr. Larry Burdick, the former Superintendent of Pryor Schools. The Thunderbird Youth Academy is a nationally recognized program offered through the National Guard and the Oklahoma Military Department. It’s mission is to help local youth achieve their high school diploma, gain self-confidence and self-discipline, and put them on the path to a successful future. I had a great time meeting with the cadets and listening to the good work that is happening at the Academy.

Caption: Group includes former State Senator Ged Wright, President of the Thunderbird Youth Academy Foundation, former superintendent of Broken Arrow Schools, Dr. Clarence Oliver,former superintendent of Pryor Schools, Larry Burdick and several TYA officials.

Speaking to Students at Miami and Grove High Schools

Caption: Congressman Mullin speaks to a Grove High School History class. Photo courtesy of Grove Sun.

I had the pleasure of speaking to 9th through 12th grade government students at Miami and Grove High Schools this week. They asked insightful questions on the Fiscal Cliff deal, Sequestration, gun rights and immigration. I truly believe that investing into the lives of young people is one of our most important duties and I was inspired by these bright students eagerness to learn more about their country. Reminder that next week is teacher appreciation week. Be sure to let the teachers in your life know how much they mean to you!

Caption: Congreesman Mullin chats with a few Miami High School Students.

Armed Forces Day Luncheon

On Friday, I attended the McAlester Armed Forces Day Luncheon hosted by the McAlester Chamber of Commerce. I was able to join Brigadier General Hopper T. Smith, Assistant Adjutant General of the Oklahoma Army National Guard; Col. Beckner, Commander of the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP); McAlester Chamber of Commerce Chairman David Keith; as well as members of our local military and the general public. The program honored our local military and all those who are currently serving our country in uniform.

I continue to witness firsthand the unwavering support the local McAlester community has for MCAAP. It’s events like this one that really bring a community together, united in the common belief that our military should be highly respected and honored.

Caption: Congressman Mullin joins Brig. Gen. Hopper T. Smith, Assistant Adjutant General, Oklahoma Army National Guard, and Col. Timothy D. Beckner, Commander, McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, during the Armed Forces Day Luncheon.

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Thank you,

Markwayne Mullin

Member of Congress

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