
The Race For Tulsa’s Mayor Tops $2M… And They’re Not Done Yet

$2.1 million raised by Tulsa mayoral candidates so far
BY ZACK STOYCOFF World Staff Writer
Monday, June 03, 2013

Tulsa’s mayoral race is already one of the most expensive in city history, with about $2.1 million raised by the three leading candidates in the months leading up to a potentially decisive nonpartisan primary election next week.

Former Mayor Kathy Taylor’s personal contributions to her campaign put her well ahead of the pack, with $1.34 million raised so far — including $850,000 in loans to her own campaign, reports filed Monday show.

Mayor Dewey Bartlett reported raising $476,855, including $62,000 from personal loans, while former City Councilor Bill Christiansen has raised $302,729, with $215,000 of that from personal loans, Christiansen Campaign Manager Josh McFarland said.

A software glitch kept Christiansen’s campaign from filing immediately, but the problem was expected to be solved later in the evening, McFarland said. He provided the numbers Monday afternoon.

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