Christiansen Counters Sooner Poll, Says Victory Is Within Reach
Posted on Facebook this morning by Josh McFarland, Campaign Manager for Bill Christiansen…
Victory for Christiansen is in Reach!
“It’s important to be as accurate as possible when discussing Tulsa Mayoral predictions. Below is our newest campaign poll information and additional information regarding a typical Sunday poll that the Tulsa World will be releasing tomorrow.” ~Josh McFarland
Incentive Based Campaigns polling on this election PERFORMED ON 6-7-13 this poll was conducted from likely voters that vote 4 out of 5 times, and 5 out of 5 elections. The candidate names were rotated to conduct a fair polling. 468 people answered the following question; Of the following candidates who will you be voting for in the Tulsa Mayor’s race? (No margin of error was taken into account since there is no past precedent of this type of election.) Results have been rounded to the nearest whole number.
Bill Christiansen…………. 31%
Dewey Bartlett…………… 24%
Kathy Taylor……………….. 34%
Undecided…………………. 11%
Why the Tulsa World poll THAT WILL BE RELEASED TOMORROW cannot be accurate:
There is no past precedent for a Tulsa Mayoral non-partisan primary election to help weight the poll equation.
Their methodology of “digit calling technique” cannot tell if you have even reached someone of voting age, someone that is registered to vote, or even someone that is planning to vote.
Within the final 4 weeks of the election date, a poll life span should only carry a 3-4 day lifespan due to the following attributes; most people will not pay attention until the final 3-4 weeks prior to the election. Most televised debates are held in the final 2 weeks leading up to election in which people will make a firm decision on who they will vote for.
Remember the most recent Tulsa World poll? Let me remind you –
The Vision 2 poll taken November 1st less than 6 days prior to the election date, which concluded Proposition 1, would pass by 7% and Proposition 2, would pass by 27%.
Proposition 1 was incorrect by 19 points!
Proposition 2 was incorrect by 36 points!
Bill Christiansen is the only candidate that can beat Kathy Taylor!