
Fallin Sets Sights On 2014

Fallin readies for re-election bid

No one has announced a bid to challenge Oklahoma’s Republican governor. The governor says she has not decided when to formally announce her re-election plans. By Michael McNutt Published: July 9, 2013

MIDWEST CITY — Although a gubernatorial challenger hasn’t stepped forward, Gov. Mary Fallin is sending out appeals for contributions and holding fundraisers across Oklahoma to build up her campaign war chest.

Fallin, elected in 2010, said Monday she has no date in mind to formally announce her bid for a second four-year term.

The Republican governor said her focus in recent weeks has been to deal with the deadly tornadoes that struck the state in May.

“We’ve been pretty busy with regular work right now,” Fallin said after speaking to members of the Midwest City Rotary Club on the Rose State College campus.

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