Pruitt Lawsuit Could Defund ObamaCare Across US
Oklahoma Lawsuit Could Effectively Defund ObamaCare
by Merrill Matthews, Contributor,
Republicans are getting ready for another round of efforts to defund ObamaCare. But the better chance of defunding President Obama’s first step towards socialized medicine may rest with the great state of Oklahoma. Ironically, almost no one is paying attention, including ObamaCare opponents.
While Congress can refuse to fund some elements of ObamaCare, such as IRS enforcement efforts, federal funding for the most insidious parts was contained in the original legislation. That funding can’t be undone without passing legislation in both houses of Congress and getting a presidential signature.
But Oklahoma has filed suit against ObamaCare and the federal government. And if the courts were to decide with the state, it could effectively defund most of ObamaCare in the majority of states. As such, it may be the last, best hope of strangling this turkey before it strangles the health care system.
One of the key components of ObamaCare are the health insurance exchanges, a supposed marketplace for insurance where individuals can shop among various plans available in their state.