OK House

Reynolds Attacks Shannon With Website Launch


House member starts website critical of Shannon
BY BARBARA HOBEROCK World Capitol Bureau
Friday, August 02, 2013

OKLAHOMA CITY β€” A Republican House member has created a website that criticizes Oklahoma House Speaker T.W. Shannon.

A note on shannonforcongress.com states that Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, provided the information for the site β€œin order to allow the public to be fully informed.”

Reynolds said the website was made public this week.

The content is intended to show that Shannon is not qualified to be in Congress or be the speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, said Reynolds, a vocal critic of House Republican leadership.

Read the complete story on tulsaworld.com

One thought on “Reynolds Attacks Shannon With Website Launch

  • Mr. Reynolds should have someone proofread his attack piece before publishing it to the web. When someone writes “Few people knew where there grandparents lived…” when it should be “Few people knew where their grandparents lived…” that person appears uneducated and loses credibility. His web page is filled with missing spaces and incorrect punctuation.

    Mr. Reynolds, you’re making yourself look like a fool.


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