
Mullin, Bridenstine Wow State Chamber Crowd

Rookie Oklahoma lawmakers steal show at State Chamber’s visit to D.C.
By Chris Casteel

WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim Inhofe brought a slideshow. Sen. Tom Coburn brought severe back pain. And other veterans of the Oklahoma congressional delegation brought their insights on a range of issues of interest to state business leaders.

But it may have been the delegation’s two rookies who stole the show at the State Chamber’s annual Washington visit — Rep. Markwayne Mullin, with his impassioned remarks about his wife’s sacrifice and his hilarious take on Republican “job packages,” and Rep. Jim Bridenstine’s intense explanation of the effort to fund the federal government, except Obamacare.

“It’s going to require Republicans to walk out and say we funded it,” said Bridenstine, R-Tulsa. “We funded it, we funded it, we funded it. We funded the government, the president is committed to this egregious law and he is shutting down the government. Will Republicans do that? I don’t know. But that’s what I’m fighting for.”

Mullin, R-Westville, who built a successful plumbing company before running for Congress last year, began his allotted time with a rant to the business leaders about Washington’s ignorance about running a business.
One of his pet peeves, he said, is when another House Republican touts job-creating legislation.

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2 thoughts on “Mullin, Bridenstine Wow State Chamber Crowd

  • It is about time that our elected officials started standing up for We, the people as you are elected to do. This government has become an embarrassment to us. It was not established to be “politically correct”, it was established on freedom and most importantly on GOD. I and others are tired of our officials continually allowing Christians to be mocked and our beliefs to be set aside for those who come in searching for freedom only to try to make us like what they came from. SEND them home if they are not happy with what we have here. Another thing, stay our of these other countries business. They have been killing each other for years. I say let them continue. I am appalled at what is being allowed in England, they have allowed foreigners to commit all kinds of murderous acts and I see that we are headed that way also. Set your foots down, look at Colorado and think, “This could happen to me” and it just might as We, the people are tired of this crap. IMHO, we have accepted enough of their tired and weary and they are making us tired and weary now. NO more amnesty!!!! NO more bowing to them being offended by our customs and beliefs. Send them home!!!

    • While I am at it, may I suggest you all read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I think she gave us back in the 50’s a look at what is happening today. Sadly you, who are elected to represent us are allowing it. Another thing you don’t need a raise if I can’t get one. You need to work as many hours and days as I do. You are not there to play poker and games. I work 50 weeks of the year, you should also, plus you only need to be there for one term, two at the most, that position is not a career. What those in the past have given to those offices have made it what it is today. You make too much for what little you are doing for We, the poor folk. If Obamacare is good for me, it damn well be good enough for you and yours. Plus this crap of paying you for life needs to be rescinded and the Pres on his own when his term up, no more Secret Service. They all leave office rich as Midas so let them pay for their own guards. I say DO YOU JOBS and quit taking my money as I am poor and can’t afford to carry you any longer.


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