Fair: Oklahoma Republicans Are Growing
by Oklahoma National Committeeman Steve Fair
Republicans are within striking distance of becoming the political Party of choice in voter affiliation in Oklahoma. According to the Oklahoma State Election Board, as of last week, Oklahoma has a total of 2.1 million voters. 897,663(42.5%) of the total are Republican, 962,072(45.4%) are Democrat, and 256,450 (12.1%) are Independent. Republicans gained 69,406 voters, Democrats just 18,789 over the past year. Based on the current trend, Republicans will be the ‘plurality’ political Party in Oklahoma by mid year 2014.
In Stephens County, 13,399(51%) voters are registered Democrat, 10,324(39%) are Republican, and 2,553(10%) are Independent. Just ten years ago, Democrats were 67.1% of the registered voters in Stephens County, Republicans just 26.5%. In a decade, Republican and Independent registered voters have increased their numbers by a third in the county, while registered Democrats have declined by 31% during the same period.
In the past twenty years, voters registered Independent in Oklahoma have surged from just three percent to over twelve percent. While most voters who register Independent claim they do so because they are fed up with both Parties, they really should rethink their decision to register ‘I” in Oklahoma. Here are three reasons why:
First, Oklahoma is a ‘closed’ primary state. That means the two major political parties do not allow voters who are not registered in their Party to vote in their primary. Twenty two states, including three of our bordering states, have ‘open’ primaries which allow voters not registered in the Party to vote in that Party’s primary. Yes, I know it sounds crazy and it is crazy. Open primaries are clearly unconstitutional. It violates freedom of association and forces a Party to allow outsiders to select our candidate. Open primaries also leave a political Party open to manipulation. For example in the 2012 presidential election, Democrats in Michigan organized an effort to vote for Senator Santorum in the primary so that Governor Romney’s nomination would be delayed. In the 2008 presidential primary. Governor Huckabee won the Republican vote in South Carolina, but McCain won the state because Independents and Democrats voted in the Republican primary. Open primaries are a mistake, are illogical, and in my opinion illegal. Thankfully the Sooner state doesn’t have ‘open’ primaries, but because we don’t have ‘open’ primaries is precisely why a voter should not register Independent. They quite simply will never get to vote in a primary- nor should they- since they are not a member of that group.
Second, registering Independent doesn’t align with your values. I understand why citizens are frustrated with both major parties, but when they register ‘I,” they aligning with a group that is undefined. There is no organized Independent Party. It doesn’t hold meetings or have a platform. Voters who register Independent are lumped together with people whose values they often don’t agree with. If every voter was registered Independent and all candidates on the ballot were Independents, it would be next to impossible to know what political candidates stand for. Labels mean something and while not all Republicans are conservative and all Democrats liberal, the label does give us some guideline of which way the candidate leans.
Third, party affiliation is your first vote. I know registered Democrats who tell me they never vote for a Democrat. Then why are you still registered Democrat? I have Independents tell me they always vote Republican. Then why are you registered Independent. Cast your first vote by registering with the Party that best represents your views.
The best course of action for those registered Independent in Oklahoma is to research both major Party platforms and register in the Party that is closest to their values. There is no advantage to being registered Independent in Oklahoma and while I applaud anyone who registers to vote, being an Independent in Oklahoma limits your opportunities to change your government.
Steve Fair is Chairman of the Stephens County Republican Party. He can be reached by phone at 580.252.6284 or by email at okgop@aol.com. His blog is stevefair.blogspot.com.