
Pruitt: EPA Case To Have SCOTUS Review

For Immediate Release, October 15, 2013

Attorney General Scott Pruitt Comments on U.S. Supreme Court Granting Rare Review of Greenhouse Gas Case

Oklahoma and 11 Other States Challenging EPA Authority to Implement Greenhouse Gas Regulations Nationwide

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt on Tuesday commented on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to review a lawsuit brought by 12 states that challenges the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to implement greenhouse gas regulations nationwide. Oklahoma is among the states that joined Texas in seeking the review.

“The decision by the Supreme Court to review this case is a victory for Oklahoma and the other states challenging the EPA’s authority to implement onerous greenhouse gas regulations nationwide,” General Pruitt said. “The states have the experience, expertise, and ability to regulate environmental issues, and Congress clearly intended for the states to have primacy in this area and for the EPA to work closely with the states to regulate these issues. However, the EPA is attempting to usurp the role of the states all in the name of imposing this administration’s anti-fossil fuels agenda. Oklahoma and other states will continue the fight against the administration and federal agencies when they clearly exceed their authority.”

At issue is the EPA’s attempt to expand its authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from new vehicles and stationary sources to also include absurd permitting burdens on stationary sources, like power plants.

The Supreme Court typically agrees to hear about 80 cases each year, though it receives nearly 8,000 requests for such review. The case is Texas v. Environmental Protection Agency.


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