
Lankford: Time To Determine How To Stop Piling Up Nation’s Debt

Rep. James Lankford: Time to determine how to stop piling up nation’s debt


Frustration currently floods American streets like rainwater after a sudden Oklahoma thunderstorm. People stand soaked in anger, disbelief and disappointment that the greatest governmental system in the world has devolved into a political food fight. I join my neighbors in that deep frustration.

Some believe things have never been worse. However, our recent arguments have dominated the American story since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Adams wanted more government; Jefferson wanted more liberty. Does that sound familiar? The problems we face are complicated, but we can solve these issues if we’re willing to address our significant federal spending problem and finally admit that the federal government tries to oversee more than it can or should administer.

The White House chooses to ignore any problems with the “Affordable Care Act” as irrelevant or minor. But the concerns with the health care law are valid, and they are staring us in the face. The real issue with Obamacare isn’t bad Web design, it is bad policy. This law is the latest example of a federal government trying to manage more than it can handle. President Obama promised his signature health care law would reduce costs, increase the quality of care and provide greater access to care. The hope he promised hasn’t lived up to the reality of the law.

Read the complete story on NewsOK.com

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