Bridenstine Affirms ‘No’ Vote On Debt Showdown
Congressman Jim Bridenstine Voted “No” on the Continuing Resolution and Extending the Debt Ceiling
Washington, DC, October 16, 2013
Congressman Jim Bridenstine commented following the vote to pass a Continuing Resolution and extend the Debt Ceiling:
“I voted ‘No’ on the bill to raise the debt ceiling without any spending controls and fund the government without providing any relief to millions of Americans being harmed by Obamacare.
“The President’s policy of funding all of the government or none of the government violates the principles of a representative republic and is devastating to a nation historically governed by consensus. Continuing Resolutions are not the way our system is supposed to work. Under ‘regular order’ each major aspect of the federal government is considered separately and deliberately in appropriations bills. The House actually passed four appropriations bills in June including the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Energy and Water Development. Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, refused to consider any appropriation bill because he wanted to hold the entire discretionary budget hostage to Obamacare and preclude Congress from exercising its constitutional authority over the purse. The President once again successfully denied the American people representation within the budget process.
“To make this bill worse, it raised our nation’s debt ceiling without any controls on spending.”
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