
Bridenstine Approval Low In Tulsa World Poll

Bridenstine scores 44 percent approval in Tulsa poll
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer

Responses to recent Oklahoma Poll questions concerning first-year 1st District Congressman Jim Bridenstine were probably not surprising.

Tulsa conservatives like Bridenstine.

Tulsa liberals, and to a certain extent moderates, do not.

Overall, 44 percent of those surveyed Nov. 1-5 by SoonerPoll said they approve of the job Bridenstine has done during his first 10 months in office.

Thirty-three percent disapproved, and 23 percent were neutral or had no response.

Read the complete story at

2 thoughts on “Bridenstine Approval Low In Tulsa World Poll

  • FYI-The poll was taken in “Tulsa Proper”; not his entire district. I imagine a lot of the negative feedback came from the same folks who are now distraught that Miss Kitty “Bloomberg” Loebech was unsuccessful in her mayoral bid.

    Also, one should keep in mind that most, if not ALL endorsements by the TW is synonymous to a political “kiss of death”,,,just sayin’.

  • Randy Hamilton

    I stopped taking the Tulsa World years back over just this kind of issue. Just like the rest of the Lame Stream Media, they only write about what supports the Liberal Progressive Agenda. They will distort, lie, and Spin like a top to do so. As such, they support the destruction of America, our heritage, and the American Economy. They even engage in re-writing history to suite the Progressive Agenda. I trust the Tulsa World and anything they say about as far as I can throw the Empire State Building. It was very refreshing to find the Tulsa Beacon: news I can trust again. I urge anyone that’s not a closet Marxist to give the Tulsa Beacon a try. You’ll be surprised at the quality of reporting.

    We conservatives have a lot of irons in the fire right now. But despite that, I would squeeze some time in to support a Boycott Campaign against the Tulsa World. I’d like to see them SHUT DOWN for good. They are nothing but a propaganda tool for the Radical Left. The Tulsa World makes me ashamed to be a native Tulsan.


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