Lankford Headlining Tulsa Republican Club Lunch
From the Tulsa Republican Club email blast:
We are honored to announce our speaker for this month, Congressman James Lankford. Congressman Lankford serves on the House Committees on Budget and Oversight & Government Reform, where he is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care, and Entitlements. James was also elected Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee for the 113th Congress.
Congressman Lankford will update us on budget issues, the Debt Ceiling, the Affordable Care Act and other issues which impact Americans.
The Tulsa Republican Club meets the third Friday of every month in downtown Tulsa on the 30th floor of the Bank of America building. 15 W. 6th St.
Lunch is served starting at 11:30, our programs begins at noon. Buffet lunch is $20 and $25 to join our club.