
Barresi Campaign Loans Become Point Of Contention

Oklahoma schools superintendent’s loans to campaigns draw criticism
By Nolan Clay

State schools Superintendent Janet Barresi has loaned more than $1 million to her two campaigns for the state’s top education post, her fundraising reports show.

Barresi, a dentist, loaned $350,000 last year to her re-election campaign, reports show.

The Edmond Republican loaned her first campaign $731,345, eventually repaying herself about $60,000, the reports show.

“She’s put her money where her mouth is,” her campaign manager, Sam Stone, said.

“She’s not running for another office. She’s not using this as a boost to her career. The only special interest in Janet’s world is the kids,” he said. “And that’s why she’s doing this. And that’s why she’s willing to put her own money up.”

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