
Fallin Unveils 2015 Budget, Legislative Priorities

Link to the Governor’s full speech here

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin suggests tax cuts, agency budget reductions

By Randy Ellis

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin on Monday called on the Legislature to cut the state’s highest income tax rate by 0.25 percent and recommended that lawmakers cut most state agencies’ budgets by 5 percent to help pay for it.

“I believe responsibly lowering the income tax is the right thing to do,” Fallin said during her State of the State address. “Let’s take this opportunity to show our country that lower taxes and limited government do work.”

Fallin said she knows her request for 5 percent cuts in most agency budgets will cause some to proclaim the sky is falling.

“But guess what? It’s not,” Fallin said. “Any business worth its … salt can find 5 percent cost savings without crippling the services it provides. Families have to make the same decisions and the same choices all the time.”

Read the complete story on NewsOK.com

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