Bridenstine Under Fire For Constituent Comments At Town Hall
Oklahoma Woman’s Statement On Obama To Bridenstine: Threat Or Free Speech
by Jennifer Loren, 6 Investigates
TULSA COUNTY, Oklahoma – The Oklahoma Democratic Party is calling on Tulsa Congressman Jim Bridenstine to apologize for not rebuking one of his supporters who called for the execution of President Obama at one of Bridenstein’s recent town hall meetings. – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – |
Politics is full of passion, but sometimes, inflamed language could land you in prison.
Congressman Bridenstine has quickly made a name for himself in Congress as a champion of conservative values and an outspoken critic of President Obama.
“Mister Speaker, the President’s dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to believe he is not fit to lead,” Bridenstine said in one video.
But the Oklahoma Democratic Party said Bridenstine went too far, allowing a woman to call for Obama’s execution at a town hall meeting.