EducationOK House

Lawmakers Displeased With Education Rally

Planned education rally angers lawmakers

Two state lawmakers are chastising Oklahoma school districts that are planning to give teachers and students a day off so they can lobby for more education funding at the state Capitol.

By Randy Ellis

Two state lawmakers are chastising Oklahoma school districts that have chosen to give teachers and students a day off so they can lobby for more education funding at the state Capitol.

“It’s indefensible for government entities to use government resources to lobby government for more taxpayer money for more government,” Rep. Jason Murphey, R-Guthrie, said in a news release. “It’s also extremely inappropriate for government entities to pressure their employees to take time away from their important duties to lobby for money for that entity.”

State Rep. Mike Turner, R-Oklahoma City, agreed.

“This sort of behavior should not be tolerated by our schools or any other state agency participating in this gross abuse of your hard-earned money,” Turner said.

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