Agenda 21, ObamaCare Targeted by House Committee
Oklahoma measure intended to stop national health care law advances
A bill that would make it a crime for any federal or state official or employee to enforce any provisions of the Affordable Care Act has passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives States’ Rights Committee. The committee also passed a measure opposing the Agenda 21 program of the United Nation.
By Michael McNutt | Published: February 27, 2013
Any federal official or corporation employee would be charged with a felony and face five years in jail if found to be providing services that comply with the federal Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, according to a bill that won the approval Tuesday of an Oklahoma legislative committee.
House Bill 2073 also would make it a misdemeanor for any state employee, including the governor, to enforce any provisions of the national health care law. Punishment is up to two years in a county jail.
“Mary Fallin is going to look mighty good in orange and stilettos,” said Rep. Mike Shelton, a member of the House of Representatives States’ Rights Committee who voted against the proposal.