
Barresi: More Time Needed for Evaluations

Oklahoma state schools Superintendent Janet Barresi asks for more time for teacher evaluation

By Carrie Coppernoll

The state schools superintendent is asking lawmakers for extra time to implement a new teacher evaluation system.

Janet Barresi has asked for an extra two years to finish putting together the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness system, which would tie teacher pay, tenure and employment to measures such as student test grades and administrator observations.

Barresi’s chief of staff, Joel Robison, said many details have yet to be worked out for a system that is set to go into effect in the fall.

“This is very difficult work with very high stakes,” Robison said. “We just want to make sure that we do everything that we can do, get all the information we can get, get as much input as we can, to make sure when the system is implemented, it is implemented correctly.”

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