CongressObamaWhite House

Bridenstine: America Is ‘Waking Up’ To Obama’s Policy Failures

Bridenstine blames Obama for problems in Iraq and on Texas’ border
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer

Problems in Iraq and on Texas’ border with Mexico are the fault of President Barack Obama, and he’s also partly responsible for conflict in eastern Europe, First District Congressman Jim Bridenstine said Tuesday.

“The American public is waking up,” said Bridenstine. “What I will tell you, what a lot of folks in this room have been waiting for, is that the American public is looking at what the Democrat Party and this president have done on the southern border and they are not approving of it.”

“His foreign policy has been an utter failure. His domestic policy has been an utter failure.”

Speaking to the Republican Women’s Club of Tulsa County, Bridenstine said the U.S. must find a way to balance the federal budget while spending more on defense and becoming more of a presence in places such as Iraq and Latin America.

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