Bridenstine Holds Tulsa Town Hall, Calls ObamaCare ‘Unworkable’
Bridenstine tells constituents Obamacare penalty delay is proof of unworkability
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer on Jul 2, 2013
The Obama administration’s decision to delay implementing a major element of the Affordable Care Act is “a positive development for the American people,” U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla., said at a town hall meeting Tuesday night.
“It might not be a politically positive development (for Republicans) because it means the train wreck won’t hit until after the (2014) election, which means they’re very politically calculating in how they go about this.”
Bridenstine, a first-term Republican, has been highly critical of the Affordable Care Act and suggested that Tuesday’s announcement that large employers will not be penalized for failure to meet the law’s requirements until 2015, a year later than planned, is proof that the landmark reform bill is unworkable.
“Obamacare is a train wreck that’s coming that will be very problematic, not for Republicans, but for Democrats,” the 1st District congressman told about 165 people at the Cityplex Towers auditorium.
Bridenstine, Inhofe & Coburn are all republicans ass holes interested only in themselves and their rich friends.