Campaign Fundraising Reports Due
At a glance: Oklahoma Campaign reports
By Michael McNutt, August 1, 2013
Campaign reports filed by other statewide contenders show Republican Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb raised $31,000 during the last quarter, and that after expenses had $46,964 on hand June 30.
Cathy Cummings, of Oklahoma City and a Democratic challenger to Lamb, reported raising $260 during the quarter, giving her $460 on hand as of June 30.
State schools Superintendent Janet Barresi reported loaning her campaign $100,000, giving her a total of $101,100 raised during the quarter. Barresi, who gave her campaign $731,345 in 2010, reported having $141,746 on hand.
Donna Anderson, of Kingston and a Democratic challenger to Barresi, reported raising $9,931 during the quarter, giving her $6,572 on hand.