Carnuccio: Solving Sequestration
Free Market Friday: Solving sequestration
By Michael C. Carnuccio, Guest Columnist
March 7, 2013
Sequestration – getting by on just more than 97 percent of the current budget – has overwhelmed our federal government. This is a short list of the predicted gloom:
• The Pentagon delayed deployment of the USS Harry Truman to key Middle East exercises as it reduced the number of aircraft carriers it has in the Gulf from two to one.
• The Department of Homeland Security released illegal immigrants being held in immigration jails across the country.
• The Department of Housing and Urban Development said some 125,000 Americans at risk of becoming homeless and 100,000 formerly homeless people might be removed from emergency shelters or other housing arrangements.
• Because of the mandatory cuts, up to 750,000 low-income women and their children are at risk of losing food and baby formula from the Women, Infants and Children supplemental nutrition program, said the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a Washington, D.C.-based left-leaning, nonprofit think tank.
How is it that our government has become so inefficient? Why must this be so painful to American taxpayers?