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Casteel: Good (And Bad) Campaigns Are Full Of Memories

D.C. Notes: Weird scenes on the Oklahoma campaign trail
by Chris Casteel

WASHINGTON — For all of the planning, there are some unscripted moments in political campaigns — ones that the candidates would probably rather forget.

But The Oklahoman won’t let them.

Once again, we reached out to some former and current office holders for a campaign encounter or event that seems funny, at least in hindsight.

Not all offered an anecdote. Some didn’t even respond.

And what you do get of course are the stories that are fit to print in which the names are either changed or withheld to protect the innocent and no one gets too embarrassed.

It’s tough to top the story former Gov. George Nigh told us a few years ago about his campaign motor home starting a grass fire in western Oklahoma. But the stories below are funny and real and a reflection of the people and the times.

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