NationalUS Senate

UPDATED: Coburn: Obama ‘Getting Perilously Close’ to the Standard For Impeachment

Politico picked up the story today, read more on that here.

Coburn Joins Call For Constitutional Convention

By Randy Krehbiel, World Staff Writer

MUSKOGEE – U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn urged Oklahomans on Wednesday to join the movement for a national constitutional convention to cut down an oversized federal government and counter what he repeatedly referred to as a “lawless” Obama administration.

“I used to have a great fear of constitutional conventions,” Coburn told about 300 people at the Muskogee Convention Center. “I have a great fear now of not having one.”

A national convention called by two-thirds of the state legislatures is one of two ways the U.S. Constitution can be amended. Such a convention has never been called, largely because the Constitution itself was the product of a convention authorized only to amend the existing Articles of Confederation but which replaced it entirely.

Thus, political leaders and scholars have long held that such a convention could be dangerous and even destructive to the nation. But as conservative frustration with the Obama administration has grown, some factions have begun advocating for such a convention.

Read the complete story at

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