Derby Introduces Liquor Modernization Measure
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 22, 2016
Rep. Derby Introduces Liquor Modernization Measure
OKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. David Derby has introduced a measure that will allow voters to modernize Oklahoma’s liquor laws.
House Joint Resolution 1052, if approved by voters in the form of a state question, would simplify the marketing and sales of alcoholic beverages in the state by creating a three-tier system of manufacturers, wholesale distributors and liquor retailers.
“We have a very outdated system that was created in the Prohibition era, but never properly adjusted to reflect modern times,” said Derby, R-Owasso. “This bill does not really relax liquor laws so much as it removes some unnecessary hoops that breweries, for example, have to jump through. People have been clamoring for changes to these laws and I think it’s about time we gave them an opportunity to make those changes.”
The measure gives state legislators time to correct the many statutes involved if the state question is approved, Derby said. If they fail to make the necessary corrections, statutes in conflict with the new constitutional law would be rendered null and void.