Education Bills Advance
Oklahoma public school deregulation measures advance
The bills propose removing many unfunded state mandates. A House committee passed both measures.
By Michael McNutt | Published: February 26, 2013
A legislative committee Tuesday passed two bills that are intended to give public school districts more flexibility by removing many unfunded state mandates.
The measures are similar to a bill passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature in 2009, but vetoed by then-Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat. House Bill 2131 would eliminate many of the state mandates that are not required of charter schools, said Rep. Jeff Hickman, the measure’s author.
It would take five years for the measure to take full effect; 20 percent of the state’s 521 school districts would be switched over each year, said Hickman, R-Fairview. The state Board of Education would randomly select different-size school districts.