EducationOK House

Education: Denney Proposal Would Add $600M Over 12 Years

Oklahoma House Speaker Pro Tem Lee Denney seeks $600 million for common education in 12-year proposal
By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer

OKLAHOMA CITY — Education always gets a lot of attention during the legislative session, and this year is no exception.

Around 200 bills and resolutions dealing with education have been filed for the 55th Legislature, which begins Monday. That’s about 10 percent of the total of more than 2,000 pre-filed pieces of legislation.

The proposals range from a ban on the Advanced Placement U.S. History curriculum to broad changes in school funding. Many deal with student testing. Others offer higher teacher pay or make returning to the classroom more attractive for retired educators.

In the face of shrinking general revenue, a few attempt to aid teachers by making their pay partially or even wholly exempt from state income tax.

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