Fallin Approval Soars To All-Time High Of 71%
In wake of state’s tornadoes, Fallin’s approval increases among voters
Gov. Mary Fallin may not have any challenger yet announced to run against her next year, but it would appear that whoever may eventually emerge will have a big uphill battle. While this may have been well known anecdotally in political circles, the latest poll results from SoonerPoll.com would now confirm it.
In its latest quarterly poll, Gov. Fallin’s approval rating among likely voters has reached an all-time high, 71%, since SoonerPoll began measuring the governor’s approval in 2011 when she was sworn in.
This high approval rating comes in the wake of the governor’s leadership in helping Oklahoma recover from this year’s season of devastating tornadoes.
“Despite some criticism over school storm shelters, Fallin gets good marks for handling the recent tornadoes in the state,” said Dr. Keith Gaddie (@KeithGaddie), political science professor at the University of Oklahoma.